I love to share lists about simple and fun activities for kids in Springtime. My original list included 30 outdoor activities my children and I enjoy doing together.
Now that my boys are a little older, I thought it was time to update the list with 30 more ideas to keep kids busy during Spring. We spend a lot more time outside once the weather turns warmer.
It is important to me to encourage my kids to live a healthy, active lifestyle. I love to find ways we can play together. It isn’t just about the fun – it is also about creating lasting memories together.
Some of my favorite childhood memories are jumping on the trampoline with my siblings and playing in our clubhouse. I hope I do a good job helping my own children make good early memories together.
Fun Activities For Kids in Spring
Spring activities that don’t require a lot of advance planning, but do make for a lot of quality time together include:
1. Make and/or hang up a bird feeder.
See who comes to visit! We have squirrels and birds who like to visit our feeders.
2. Build a fort.
My kids love to set up tents indoors and outdoors. You could also make a more traditional type fort with chairs and sheets. Play forts are a good indoor activity on rainy days.
3. Go looking for animal tracks.
The muddy ground in spring is perfect for capturing animal tracks. See if you can spot any tracks and try to find out who they belong too. Unless, of course, it’s a bear. I don’t suggest trying to track down a bear.
4. Find a small stream and have a leaf race.
My kids spend hours dropping a leaf (or twig) upstream and racing it down the stream. I guarantee this will become one of their favorite things to do.
5. Craft: Make a windsock.
It is simple to make a windsock out of everyday household materials. We have made them from empty cardboard oatmeal canisters and paper streamers.
6. Play a Chalk Game.
Hopscotch is just one of many fun chalk games kids love to play. Grab a piece of chalk, draw a hopscotch course and let the kids play!
7. Go geocaching.
We discovered geocaching last year. There are Geocaching websites that list local caches you can find using their app and your smartphone. It’s like a real life treasure hunt for the kids.
8. Make paper airplanes. Visit your local airport and watch planes take off and land.
9. Hand over the camera and let your child take photos.
It can be fun to see the world from your child’s point of view. Go on a photography walk around the neighborhood, a nature trail or anywhere else you think would be a good place to take pictures.
10. Face painting.
Get some inexpensive face paint at your craft store. Try your hand at painting faces! If you are really brave, let your child paint YOUR face.
11. Play ball.
Whether it is baseball, soccer, golf, bowling, tennis or football — pick your sport and play ball!
12. Go fishing.
If you live near a fishing pond, find out if you are a lucky fisherman. Sometimes you can even rent poles for the day instead of buying one.
13. Feed the ducks.
Springtime brings the ducks and geese back to our local lakes and ponds. I like to save our stale bread in the freezer to take with us when we go to feed the ducks.
14. Volunteer.
Service is good to do all year long, but why not look for something you can do in spring? Simple ways to volunteer include taking a visit to a senior citizen home, helping your neighbor clean up their yard, and donating to a local food pantry.
15. Become a Mile Master.
Head out to the local track and see if you can walk or run a mile! This one may take a little practice. Walk and/or run a little bit each day, trying to go a little further each time until you hit the Mile Mark. Congrats, you are a Mile Master!
16. Become a collector.
If you find yourself stuck indoors, get a box and go around the house collecting items you no longer use and need. Donate usable items and clothing to charity.
17. Bake bread.
Spend a rainy spring day in the kitchen baking bread. My kids love to mix up “Bread in a Bag.” Mix it up, let the dough rise, shape it into a loaf and bake. Who doesn’t love fresh bread warm from the oven?
18. Skip rocks.
Skipping rocks is another fun activity if you live near water. My kids also like to just toss big rocks into the water – entertainment does not get cheaper than this! Our family has also spent the better part of an afternoon building a rock dam at a nearby spring stream. I had as much fun as the kids.
19. Swimming lessons.
Summer will be here before we know it. Get a head start on swimming skills at your local pool.
20. Hide and Seek.
This classic game never gets old. My kids love to play hide and seek inside and outdoors.
21. Visit a farm, petting zoo or pet store.
My kids love to visit animals. Spring is a good time to see baby animals on the farm. We live in a rural area, so local farm stores are usually selling baby chicks and ducks this time of year. We like to visit our pet store and see the different animals and snakes. Sometimes they even let us hold them.
22. Perform a skit and record it on video.
If you have any dress up clothes or costumes hanging around, let the kids make up a skit. Record the performance on video so everyone can watch it.
23. Play marbles.
My kids and their friends love to collect and play marbles together.
24. Learn a magic trick.
Your local library probably has books with simple card tricks and/or magic tricks. I bought my kids a small magic set, and it keeps them entertained. They love to show off their tricks.
25. Make real, homemade lemonade.
Learn how to make homemade lemonade with freshly squeezed lemons, water and sugar. And once you have the lemonade, you may as well do #26.
26. Lemonade stand.
Every kid in my neighborhood loves this idea. Set up a small table, make a simple sign and sell lemonade to passersby. This is an easy way for the kids to earn a little spending money.
27. Wash the car.
My kids love to do anything involving our garden hose. Set them up with a bucket of soapy water, a large sponge and let them go to town on the car. They will have a blast and you will have a clean car. It’s a win-win situation.
28. Make popsicles.
There are hundreds of homemade popsicle recipes you can find online. Juice pops, yogurt pops, frozen fruit pops and more. Let the kids have a good time making their favorite flavored popsicles at home. All you really need (besides ingredients) are small paper cups and wooden popsicle sticks.
29. Play an interactive video game.
There are video games out there that can truly give you a workout! My kids love it when I do the dancing video games with them. It is great exercise, especially on a day we are stuck indoors.
30. The playground.
One of our favorite places is the city park and playground. If the weather is good, I let the kids run around, swing, climb and play at the park. It is a great way to get all their energy out.
Love these ideas? Be sure to check out my other blog post, 30 Simple Spring Outdoor Activities For Kids.
How do you get out and enjoy spring with your family? Share your ideas with us in the comments below.
Adam S. says
Very nice list of activities. This is right on time with summer right around the corner for our kids.
Julie C says
EPIC List of activities, can’t for a similar list for winters now 🙂
Jon Watney says
Racking your brains on ways to get the kids faraway from those great tv or maybe Dsi, yet are not aware of precisely how? Why don’t you encourage them outdoors having a completely new trampoline! Trampolines for children tend to be an effective way to incorporate conditioning along with entertaining on their play time period.
James Robert says
Really like the bird feeder idea, we have to do that one for sure
Nancy Chan says
I am sure your kids love and enjoy all the 30 activities you have listed. And they have their mummy to encourage them too. They are happy kids. Have a lovely day.
Nicole says
Thank you, Nancy! I have four boys with LOTS of energy, so we have to do our best to keep them busy. I appreciate your stopping by and comments. –Nicole