Disclosure: I am so excited to be part of the Verizon #VZWBuzz blogger program! As part of the program, I get to tell you about the latest Verizon happenings, plus review super awesome tech gadgets like the Nest Home Thermostat mentioned in this blog post. All opinions expressed are my own.
You know me. I hate to brag, but my house is pretty smart these days, thanks to the Nest Home Thermostat. When I say “smart,” I mean that my house learns my schedule and automatically adjusts temperatures to save energy when nobody is home. I can also use my smartphone to tell it what to do, and it obeys!
For the next couple of months, I’ll be blogging about how we use the Nest Home Thermostat in our home.We have been the Nest for a few weeks now, and it has already made life easier. We used to have to remember to turn the thermostat down every time we left the house (we forgot to do this half the time). Now we don’t even think about it. The house adjusts itself so we save energy.
Did you know a Nest thermostat can help you save an average of 20% on energy bills? Saving energy = Saving money. Every month, we will get an e-mail with a monthly energy report showing our usage habits. I’ll keep you posted on what I learn from our Nest reports.
My husband installed the Nest in our home while I was out of town. He told me it was really easy to install and took only a few minutes. I love the sleek look of the Nest thermostat on the wall. Check it out:
To adjust the temperature, simply turn the dial up or down. Or, you can do what we do and use our smartphones to adjust the temperature. Any compatible mobile device can download the Nest Mobile app. The Nest app basically turns our phones into a remote control. We LOVE this app because no matter where we are, we can “talk” to our house and adjust temperature settings.
I’ve posted an actual screen shot of my home on the Nest app below. It shows the outside temperature in the upper left hand corner and then the round circle in the middle of the screen shows the temperature inside my home. I can adjust it up or down if needed. See the little green leaf icon? The Nest displays a green leaf any time the thermostat is running at energy-saving settings.
We like to save energy (and save money) so we always turn our thermostat down when we go out of town. Way down. To like 55 degrees. But when it’s winter and freezing outside, it’s not fun to come home to a 55 degree house. So we use the Nest app to turn the heat up in our house before we get there. Our “smart” house can always greet us with a warm welcome!
It takes about a week for the Nest to learn your habits (when you are home, when you are away). Are you ready to save money on your heating and cooling bills? Learn more about the Nest Home Thermostat.
Have you heard of the Nest Home Thermostat? Are you ready for the Nest to help you save energy and money on heating and cooling bills? Let me know what you think in the comments below.
Sunny says
Yeah. It’s great product. Nice design, Simpler and Smarter .
Sunny says
Yeah. It’s great product. Nice design, Simpler and Smarter .
M.B. Grant @ Smart Thermostat Guide says
Very cool! I didn’t know Verizon was in the smart thermostat biz – that’s some diversification!
I’m eager to see how much the Nest ends up saving you on your heating bills!
(PS: Your blog’s title is hilarious – and sooooo true!!)
Meagan Paullin says
Ooooooh – baby bay-BAY! I’ve been eyeballing this for awhile now, and this post totally pushed me over the edge to go and buy this!!! Thanks 🙂
Nicole says
Yes!!! 🙂 I know you’ll love it. I talked my mom into getting one, too.
Cinny says
That is pretty awesome and makes me want one in my place too!
Chelsea Nicole says
I have never heard of these types of thermostats but they look awesome. And if it can help me save money I am all over it. Will have to look for them the next time we go to the hardware store during our home renovation.
Nancy @ Whispered Inspirations says
OMG, I saw this when I was at Lowe’s the other day. I want it. How cool is it though? I think I may just get one. 🙂
Tiffany (NatureMom) says
Very snazzy thermostat!
Tammy @inRdream says
We heat with wood in the Winter, but this would really benefit us in the Summer with AC. Off to learn more about Nest. Thanks!
Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says
I knew there were nice thermostats out there, but I didn’t know about the Nest. I’m interested to follow along and hear your thoughts!
valmg @ Mom Knows It All says
I had heard about this and wondered how it would work fr us. Looking forward to reading about how it works out for you.
Crystal @ Simply Being Mommy.com says
I’ve seen these at the home improvement stores. Pretty cool.
Susan says
With this cold weather, it is nice to see there are some great technical items that will keep my family warm this winter.
Camille says
That is so cool! Our thermostat is on the fritz – now I really want a new smarter one!
Nicole says
I just got off the phone with my mom telling her she should get one for her house. I am loving ours so far. It’s so EASY to use and basically takes care of itself. The mobile app makes it even more worth it. I love being able to check on the house when we are away and turn heat up or down if needed. I’ll keep you posted on how ours works for us. 🙂
Kelly Hutchinson says
Wow this is a cool product! I would love to have one in my house.
Jill A. Collins says
I love how many new things are coming out as technology advances to make your home more comfortable. Hadn’t heard of this one before, but I’m sure I will hear about it a lot in the future.
Tammilee says
Wow, I had no idea you could save so much money with thermostat
Melissa says
What a cool thermostat! I’d never heard of it before.
Tara says
I am always interested in ways to save energy and this is brilliant!
brett says
yep. your house is smarter than mine. and i have thermostat envy!
Mistee Dawn says
Yes I have heard of them. And I really need one! I think I saw one of the nest products on the Ellen Degeneres show.
Stacie Connerty says
Ohhhh, everytime I pass these at Lowes or Home Depot I stop and play. I really want one of these but haven’t justifid the money just yet. Definitely on my list of things to get for mi casa.
Melanie a/k/a CrazyMom says
hahahah…keep on bragging… when your bill is lover then others.. who is smiling then>??? Love it.. I sooo need one of those, thanks for sharing and I can’t wait to check them out and get one for the house
Maryann D. says
I would love to have this Nest Home Thermostat. My husband and I are always arguing about the thermostat, especially when he turns it down without me knowing it. We do need a smart one like this!
Janel says
Not smarter than mine, hehehe. We have a nest too! I love our nest!!
Nicole says
Yea! A fellow Nest-er! (Haha, I don’t think that’s an official term since I just made it up.) I think as word gets out about the Nest, more and more people will pick them over other thermostats. I’m glad to hear you love your Nest, too!
Ellen Christian says
I haven’t heard of nest but it sounds like a great way to save money on heating expenses.
LauraOinAK says
That’s one advanced thermostat. I love the idea of saving some money, too.
Jennifer Soltys says
I have heard of this and super intrigued. I work for a heating and A/C company and was trying to get them to get one for me!
Nicole says
Oh, you definitely have to get them to get one for you. It’s the easiest thermostat we’ve ever owned and definitely the only one that could do so much all by itself. I’m getting addicted to the Nest app. I’ve even used it to turn the heat down from my bedroom, which is right across the hall from our Nest. LOL Lazy, lazy, lazy me.
Jennifer Soltys says
Oh, that’s super hilarious. In that case – heck yeah! I have used the app on my phone to turn on our alarm system from the driveway. This is so I don’t have to race out of the house before it’s activated. LOL
Pam says
I’ve seen these thermostats several times and I think they are really cool. If I ever get around to replacing mine, I’m going to look into getting one of these.
Angela says
20% is a huge savings! This is good to know.
kristin says
This actually looks like a great little gadget. Our family would enjoy it.
Thanks for the post
Jennifer @TheRebelChick says
LOL! You go ahead and brag away, girl! I want my home to be smart too!
Katy Rawson says
How cool is this. I’m not a homeowner, yet. But as soon as I am, I so have to get one of these for our house.
Mama to 5 BLessings says
Sounds nice and efficient! We are old school! LOL!
Susan says
With the cold temperature we have had, it would be nice to have a quality thermostat, I will have to look into this .
blogomomma says
This is so cool Nicole! Saving energy AND saving you time – awesome! 🙂