Mom Always Finds Out may receive a promotional item(s) in exchange for posting the KiteReaders' tablet accessories giveaway blog post. All opinions expressed are my own. The Sponsor is responsible for prize fulfillment. Mom Always Finds Out has been given the opportunity to share a wonderful contest with lots of prizes that I know can help a lot of families, especially during this back to school season. Do you share your tablet with a child? ...
Children's Books
Vacation Tips From The Big Bad Wolf ~ Children’s Book Tour
I received a free copy of The Big Bad Wolf (Goes on Vacation) for my review. All opinions expressed are my own. This blog post may contain affiliate links that support Mom Always Finds Out. I recently asked a class of kindergarten students if they would let The Big Bad Wolf come along on a vacation with them. They were all quick to say (or more accurately, yell), Noooooooo! He would eat us! But then I introduced them to Bernard, The Big ...
‘Big Smelly Bear’ by Britta Teckentrup (Children’s Book Review)
Big Smelly Bear never washed. Big Smelly Bear never brushed. Big Smelly Bearn never took a bath. Big Smelly Bear was followed by a big smelly stink wherever he went. Flies buzzed all around him. But they were the only ones that ever came close… None of this seemed to bother Big Smelly Bear. But sometimes he did think that it would be nice to have a friend. Then, one morning, everything changed… Big Smelly Bear wakes up with a ...
Barnes and Noble Summer Reading Program: Kids Earn #Free Books
Barnes and Noble lauches their Summer Reading Imagination’s Destination program on May 24 for children in grades 1-6. Have your child read any 8 books by September 6 and record them in the downloadable Barnes and Noble Summer Reading Imagination’s Destination Journal, then turn the journal in at your local B&N store to choose your FREE book. I love having an excuse for my kids to read during the summer – especially my son who just finished ...
The Green Mother Goose: Saving The World One Rhyme at a Time (Book Review)
The traditional Mother Goose rhymes have gone green! My children love for me to read and recite Mother Goose rhymes, and in this book, our favorite characters teach us things we can do to take care of our Earth. For example, Old Mother Hubbard uses cloth shopping bags, Little Jack Horner changes lightbulbs in the corner – to compact fluorescents, and in the green version of “This Little Piggy,” the last little piggy squeals, “Re-re-recycle!” ...