I love my new Taste of Home Best Loved Recipes cookbook. It seems like every recipe in there is a winner! Lately, I have tried to serve at least one or two meatless meals per week. This recipe for Mexican Egg Casserole from Taste of Home is perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner. I have even eaten it leftover and it tastes just as good. Serve it with salsa or without, it's a crowd pleaser. Mexican Egg Casserole ...
Mom Funny ~ Is It Dinnertime Again?
Meal Planning: To Pay or Not To Pay for Online Menu Plan Services
I love to make grocery lists. I love to eat good, homecooked food. You would think that those two loves would combine to make me a star quality meal planner. Sadly, I am not. I HATE planning menus for reasons I can't exactly put my finger on. But this year, I have resolved to become a better meal planner because: 1. I'm tired of being hungry at mealtime and opening up the cabinets to realize I have a bunch of ingredients, but no idea ...
Monday Night Menu
Although I am not known for my gourmet cooking skills, I do like to have some good tried and true dinner recipes I can easily whip out to feed my family every now and then when I'm in the cooking mood! Here's a good one I can share with you. It meets all my basic qualifications: Easy? Check. Requires no fancy ingredients I don't normally keep stocked in my pantry? Check. Did my family eat this last time I made it without complaining they ...