It won’t be long til THE LONE RANGER rides into town! This highly anticipated Disney movie starring Johnny Depp will be in theaters everywhere July 3. Be sure to Like The Lone Ranger on Facebook.
The newest trailer for Disney’s THE LONE RANGER movie is available for viewing at iTunes!
Julie Wood says
This is going to be an exciting movie to see! Johnny Depp sure makes a good Tonto,and the actor for the Lone Ranger is so handsome. This movie looks very intriguing and I want to see it!
Robin Wilson says
Where have I been? I didn’t know they were going to make this movie! I love to watch the old B&W version that I can still catch on occasion. And I don’t know of many ppl that don’t love J Depp. He is a great character actor. Can’t wait for this one to come out!
Charlene S says
I can’t wait to see this movie.
Jonathan Baker says
Love the trailer! Enjoyed the Lone Ranger when I was a kid, really looking forward to seeing it in the theater.
Helga says
I am sure it will be a romp, but its not my taste in films.
Denise Taylor-Dennis says
This sounds like it will be a great movie, I really want to see this one.
Mer says
This looks like fun!
Janet W. says
I can’t wait to see this! Johnny Depp is always so entertaining!
md kennedy says
I had no idea this was in the works. And Johnny Depp? It will for sure be fantastic!