#spon: I'm required to disclose a relationship between our site and Intel. This could include the Intel Corporation providing us w/content, product, access or other forms of payment. We use our Intel Tablets in many different ways at holiday time. Travel time to grandma's house goes faster when the kids watch movies and play games on the tablet. I like to use the tablet in the kitchen to look at recipes while I do my holiday baking. And ...
10 Bingeworthy Shows to Watch this Summer
By day, I use my Intel tablet for work-related tasks: email, writing blog posts, etc. But by night, I use my tablet for entertainment. You have probably heard me mention my binge-watching habit before. I love to discover binge-worthy TV series to watch, while I'm propped up on a big stack of fluffy pillows in bed. There are several shows I have enjoyed catching up on this summer, and recommend to anyone who is looking for something to watch ...
What apps do you use every day? #IntelTablets #TabletCrew
#spon: I'm required to disclose a relationship between our site and Intel. This could include the Intel Corporation providing us w/content, product, access or other forms of payment. #tabletcrew #inteltablets I really like that I can use the same Android apps on my phone and PC that I use on my Intel Tablet. It makes all of the time I spend "plugged in" everyday a familiar experience no matter which device I am using. There are many apps I ...