So here’s a sampler of my 17 month old son’s current diaper stash. We have the Bedbug and Very Baby nighttime diapers (actually, he is too chunky for them now), a few Grovia’s, a couple from Bububebe, a half dozen Sustainablebabyish multisize fitted, some WAHM made wipes, and a Planetwise wetbag. Oh, and a Snappi!
I do have one wool cover (not pictured since he’s wearing it right now) that is the ONLY cover fitting him now – I need to size up so we can wear our fitted diapers more often. Believe it or not, I have never tried fleece covers over his fitteds. We love wool and just somehow neglected fleece.
Good…but, like most cloth diapering moms out there, I’m getting a little BORED with my current stash and wanting to change it up. I am in the mood to try out new and different diapers, especially since he had a growth spurt and is technically “NEEDING” new diapers. (I’m justifying to myself here, I have lots of one-size diapers as you can see! LOL)
I’m open to trying anything – especially something I don’t already have. Oh, and to make things a little bit more complicated, I am WAY BEHIND in starting my newborn cloth diaper stash for the baby due in May. I do have a dozen prefolds, but I need help in the Newborn Cloth Diaper Dept. too.
Does anyone have any suggestions for me? Favorite diapers for a toddler? Best diapers for a newborn/small baby? I’m on the market for it all.
Is there a cloth diaper you would like for me to try and review? I would love to justify a diaper purchase for the sake of my blog. OR – if you make or sell cloth diapers and would like for me to review one for you, what cloth diaper loving mom could say no to that? I would LOVE to!
So Cloth Diaper Mamas of the world, help me make over my stash. I want to hear your comments and advice, thanks!
Tiffany Seale says
Kawaii! And you can purchase from your AK friendly webstore.. ME! lol. coming soon. Placed our order last week! I have 8 in my stash. I am in the process of writing a review and hosting a giveaway. They are affordable, around $9 a dipe. Good, sturdy pocket dipe.
RaRz i think she is referring to rumparoos
Nicole says
What does RaRz stand for? I know BG OS, but need help with the RaRz. Thanks for your comment!
Debbie says
Thanks for stopping by and following my blog! I’m now following yours now too on FB and Networked Blogs! Thrifty and Frugal by Debbie and Lavender Cove and on Twitter @thrftyandfrugal
Sarah says
I like(d) (I’ve gotten lazy with him, unfortunately) RaRz and BG OS on my 1 year old and ADORE RaRz Lil Joeys on our newbie. She’s going to outgrow them before much longer and I’m going to miss them! They fit just like a sposie so she can wear true to size outfits without the bulk. We use prefolds or BG OS’s with her the rest of the time, they aren’t as trim, obviously, but do a really good job anyway!