Lucky, lucky me! TwoSweetPotatoes (a wonderful Etsy shop!) sent me a sampler of Organic Bamboo Velour Wipes. Actually, it is lucky for my baby's bottom - these OBV wipes are the softest material you can use on baby bums! If you have never owned any wipes or blankets made from organic bamboo velour, I highly recommend this wonderfully lush material, you will love the feel of it - and so will baby! Let me clear my conscience right off the ...
Cloth Diapers
Sprout Change (Cloth Diaper) Review & #Giveaway
The Willow Store offers a unique option for cloth diapering parents: The Sprout Change reversible one-size "hybrid" diaper system. Fits babies from 5-40 pounds! What this basically means is that each diaper consists of a waterproof outer shell and an absorbent insert that can be adjusted to fit your baby from newborn all the way up to potty training time! Each diaper shell is reversible and since it is a different color on either side, ...
Bummas: An Eco-Friendly Wipe For Your Baby (Review & #Giveaway)
First things first: Cloth wipes are not just for cloth-diapered babies – especially Bummas! You can use Bummas cloth wipes in so many ways, everyone should have them on hand, whether they cloth diaper or not. Here are just a few of the reasons I like to use Bummas cloth wipes: 1. Boy babies tend to “spray” (aka “surprise pee”) at inopportune times during a diaper change. ONE Bummas cloth wipe handy can soak it all up! No ordinary wet ...
itti bitti Cloth Diaper Review & #Giveaway!
The itti bitti cloth diaper company has been around for awhile now in other parts of the world, and finally debuted in the United States in March 2011 to rave reviews and lots of excited cloth diapering families who have been waiting a long time to try their first itti bitti cloth diaper. I am one lucky mama who has recently been given the opportunity to try 2 different styles of itti bitti diapers on my 17 month old son. We were sent the ...
Coming Soon in April: Baby Related Giveaways
There are several fun baby-related giveaways that will be sprinkled throughout the month of April! I am looking forward to it so much, I just wanted to share with you the sponsors I have found so far. (And by the way, I am still accepting sponsors for this month long event - big, small, store bought, handmade, as long as it is for baby - it's welcome! Feel free to contact me.) If you are having a baby or know someone who is having a baby, ...
Wordless Wednesday: It’s fun to test drive itti bitti’s
I can't wait for my itti bitti giveaway coming in April - cloth diapering mamas are going to LOVE these! It is fun to test diapers - we've never done it before - I hope we get to do it again! :) ...
Weekend Sale at Banana Peels Diapers, 10% Code & Free Babylegs
Save 10% at Banana Peels Diapers, Saturday 3/12 through Sunday 3/13 with code: SUNSHINE. And get some FREE Babylegs while supplies last with your purchase. Select Boy/Girl at checkout. Select Beco Baby Carriers are on Sale too. March FuzziBunz Deal: Buy 12 FuzziBunz in one transaction, get a Free hanging wetbag with Rebate Form due April 15, 2011. US customers only. ...
Join The Great Cloth Diaper Change & Help Set a World Record
Have you heard about the Great Cloth Diaper Change event coming up? If you change cloth diapers, you will want to mark your calendar for April 23, 2011 - 9 a.m. PST to be exact! The goal is to set the world record for most cloth diapers changed at the same time. What a cool way to link up the worldwide cloth diapering community and increase cloth diapering awareness at the same time! Learn more at the Great Cloth Diaper Change Facebook ...
Your Input Wanted! Cloth Diaper Stash Makeover Time
So here's a sampler of my 17 month old son's current diaper stash. We have the Bedbug and Very Baby nighttime diapers (actually, he is too chunky for them now), a few Grovia's, a couple from Bububebe, a half dozen Sustainablebabyish multisize fitted, some WAHM made wipes, and a Planetwise wetbag. Oh, and a Snappi! I do have one wool cover (not pictured since he's wearing it right now) that is the ONLY cover fitting him now - I need to size ...